Professional Building Contractor Northern Ireland

Personal – Integrity – Reliability

Trading as a professional Building Contractor in Northern Ireland demands personal and professional integrity, reliability and business acumen.

We would urge Clients and their Design Teams to engage established, professional contracting organisations for all but the smallest projects.

Construction projects without the correct depth of management, finance and health and safety places an enormous risk on those commissioning the work.

To find out more about how Wilson & Mawhinney can help you begin your construction journey with us, contact us today.

Working together to create great places to live life

Collaborative working

Wilson & Mawhinney believe in collaborative working with Architects and other Designers to create great places to live life. Good Architects will propose solutions and develop your brief into a design that reflects your aspirations, maximising the potential of your space and guiding you through the regulatory process. Our role during the design stage is to facilitate access to specialist designers and subcontractors, analysis and advice on specific design issues, project management, value engineering, risk management and health and safety.

A successful project

Building your project on a foundation of collaborative working increases the likelihood of a successful project. Projects should have a health warning: The use of lowest price tendering may seriously damage your project health and reputation and may have undesirable and unexpected side effects. Please consider the business case for lowest price tendering. Wilson & Mawhinney are a strong advocate for collaborative working, creating great places to live life together.